Friday, May 1, 2020

Jordan Peele and JJ Abrams are Super Scary

 Jordan Peele and JJ Abrams have a new show called "Lovecraft Country" coming soon to HBO or some other channel I don't get so I don't care. I'm only writing this because you probably care. If it wasn't for watching terrible television shows and coronavirus you'd have nothing else to talk about. I can only assume from the title it's a scary (boo!) show because it has the word "Lovecraft" in it.

 I tried reading Lovecraft stories in high school because everyone has to do it. It's kind of like moving "to the city" or pretending you like The Doors or being an Atheist. It's a right of passage for 15 year olds that want to pretend they're smart. All I remember about the stuff I did read was it seemed incomprehensible to me.  Like he typed a bunch of words, jumbled them all up and threw them at the pages and whatever stuck was his TALES OF HORROR. I'd give you more information here so you didn't have to click the link up there to find out but I no longer care about this and never really did, but I assume you're tired of looking at pictures of Jennifer Aniston and 25 year olds in bikinis.