Friday, August 7, 2020

High Fidelity Cancelled

High Fidelity got cancelled. Did you know there was a High Society? Well there was, but not anymore. I don't know who was in it or why and I don't care. I guess the 5000 people that watched this on Hulu or Netflix or whatever are in for a disappointment when they find out later today after they wake up from their drunken and medicated stupor. Of course they're watching television series developed for Hulu so I guess they're probably used to being disappointed.

 By the way Blogger is changing their whole thing for some reason so if the pictures are off center or the spelling and punctuation is extra bad you know why.

!!!SEXY UPDATE!!!  I just noticed I called it both "High Fidelity" and "High Society" I'm not sure which one is correct and at this point who gives a fuck.