Sunday, January 10, 2021

Updated Old Story

 I wrote the original of this story nearly 3 years ago. I took it down after posting it. I also included screen shots of the original sates etc just for... whatever reason. Probably because I know how short your memories are and also because of your nasty habit of whitewashing things to put them in a more positive light for yourself.  Anyway, the original is back up in it's place but it can't be edited,  I'm not sure why. Maybe because it was sitting as a draft for two and a half  years after I took it down. Anyway I'm putting it up again because I think you need to read this. It's only my opinion of course. Read it or don't I no longer care what you do. Not that I ever did in the first place.

 All comments are disabled for all posts on this site because comment sections are septic tanks for the mentally unbalanced on the internet so if you have a differing opinion write me a letter and drop it in the mail box somewhere.