Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dwayne Johnson is an A-Hole

 Dwayne Johnson, or, The Rock, for those of you who don't know is apparently a huge pain in the ass...

Earlier on Tuesday, two separate reports surfaced, claiming The Rock was constantly late and unprofessional while working on the upcoming Red One with Chris Evans.

 The report also claimed that Johnson would arrive upwards of eight hours late to set, sometimes forcing the production to shoot around him. 

Sources also claimed that, on other productions, Johnson would try to save time by urinating in an empty Voss water bottle and then have his team or a production assistant dispose of it on set. 

'It was a fucking disaster,' one insider told The Wrap while another said: 'Dwayne truly doesn’t give a fuck'

Imagine being so desperate to be in Hollywood you'd volunteer to be the guy that carries Dwayne's Bottle O' Urine. You people are really pathetic. Even if these reports are true by only half, imagine what kind of a gigantic asshole you'd have to be to behave this way. Especially since only people with "learning disabilities" give a shit about this asshole

 I'm sorry, just that huge phony plastic grin alone of his, sets off alarm bells for me. Everything about this guy gives me the creeps.