Thursday, May 30, 2024

Christina Ricci is Spooky

Christina Ricci created her own tarot cards because of course she did. What weirdo would leave home without them...

Christina Ricci is 'thrilled' to announce Wednesday that she created her very own custom tarot deck called Cat Full of Spiders, which is now available for pre-sale ahead of its official September 24 release.

The 44-year-old former child star is depicted on all 78 cards, illustrated by Long Beach-based cartoonist Felipe Flores, and she teased her 'three favorite cards' (The Fool, Strength, and Temperance) 'inspired by her renowned body of work.'

Much of the comprehensive 128-page guidebook explaining each card's meaning was written by co-author Minerva Siegel - a self-described 'writer, sensitivity reader, tarot consultant, and longtime practitioner of witchcraft.'

All of that sounds very.... normal. I don't know how you just make up your own tarot cards since I thought all of that kind of thing had specific meanings to things connected with the universe or Middle-Earth or whatever the Hell you fruit loops are always yammering about.

But I guess she wouldn't be hot if she didn't have her own set of deep seated mental problems, and I guess being a Gypsy Fortune Teller or whatever, is pretty harmless unless she starts making voodoo dolls of you because you didn't take out the garbage. And by the way I didn't see any mention of the price but I'm going to gaze into my own crystal ball and bet they aren't free.