Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Eric Schmidt is a Playa

 Eric Schmidt (right) is the former CEO of Google, and his wife Wendy (left) are swingers now or something and I guess Wendy was okay with Erich handing his 30 year old girlfriend $100 million dollars

Eric was branded New York City's 'hottest bachelor' after he and wife, Wendy, 68, were reported to have entered an 'open arrangement,' according to a New York Post piece in 2019.

 In 2021, it was then reported that Eric, who is worth an estimated $25.1 billion, had entered a relationship with Michelle Ritter, a Columbia Law graduate.

Just a year ago, it was reported that Eric was a 'very, very active' chairman in Michelle's tech company, Steel Perlot, even plowing more than $100 million into the company, Forbes reported.

Yeah I bet he was very, very active. I guess if you look like Sad Sack, the secret to being named "New York's Most Eligible Bachelor" is to have $25.1 billion dollars in the bank. 

On the other hand if you're sleeping with that guy I assume you probably deserve the  $100 million dollars . Would I sleep with Eric's wife Wendy for $100 million dollars even though she looks 78 instead of 68? Yes. Would I sleep with Eric for $100 million dollars? I'm not saying no exactly