Friday, May 24, 2024

Renee Zellweger is Hot to Trot

55 year old Renee Zellweger has a 27 year old boyfriend named Puffy-Faced Babyboy or something and to that I say good for her. Personally I think she could have done a lot better in the looks department as far as he's concerned, but maybe it's her first younger man. At least he's 27 and not 19 or 21 or something so he's probably slightly more normal than someone that might be even just a few years younger but I doubt it.

They keep calling her "The Bridget Jones' Diary star", a movie that came out in 2001, when her current boyfriend was four years old. I've been saying for as long as I can remember that age gaps are utterly meaningless as far as I'm concerned, and there is zero difference here. 

In fact when I was 21 I had a 39 year old girlfriend named Pamela. I still have very fond memories of her. Anyway I'm gonna wrap this up before I get all misty eyed by saying YOU GO GIRL. To Renee not Pamela.