Friday, November 12, 2021

Kendall Jenner Ripped to Shreds

 Kendall Jenner put on a dress that only Kendall Jenner and whatever slagheap shithead she's dating this month would think was sexy. She's 26 years old so I guess I can cut her a little slack but not very much. I'd be more willing to overlook this "fashion" choice if she was 19 or 20 or even 22, but 26? I think that's pushing it a little. Time to grow up, unless of course you think Fredrick's of Hollywood's "Porno Collection" is something you should wear out to dinner than more power to you. At least it gives me a visual notification of who to avoid. And what's with Hailey Bieber's dress? Are you seeing that? Aren't these people multi-millionaires? That's the best they can do?