Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 !!!BREAKING NEWS!!! Kristy Swanson has Covid! OH MY GOD. It's weird how she just looks kind of like an older version of her self. Like this, just older. By that I mean you can still tell who she is. I had Covid and nobody gave a shit. YOU probably had Covid and maybe didn't even know. And nobody gave a shit. 47 million people in the US have had Covid.  That's one in six people. So if you meet 6 people today, at least one of them will have, or has had or has Covid. And I'm sure plenty more will get it since evidentially the vaccine (which I got) appears to be mostly useless. At least judging from what I hear. So a booster? No thanks. I'm done. I had Covid, I wore a mask, and I got the vaccine. I followed the rules so we're done here. I've done my part so you can quit bitching at me and go find something else to occupy your time. Move along.

Anyway, here's the Kristy Swanson news roundup.

1. She's still cute
2. She has Covid

Keep up the good work Kristy!