Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Naomi Watts is Not Over

 Naomi Watts said she was told her career would be over once she was in her 40s...

'My career didn't really start until my early thirties; that was when Mulholland Drive came out,' she said.  'At that time, I was also being told your career would be over around your forties.'

She's 54 now so the jokes on them. I guess. Frankly, her career could have ended 20 years ago for all I know, so maybe she's lying. They listed a bunch of movies she made when she was in her 40s (Fair Game (2010), Dream House (2011) and The Impossible (2012) but I've never heard of any of those and she was in her 40s and they're all at least 10 years old so maybe whoever told her that was right. 

I will however volunteer to help make her feel better if she needs it. She looks great in blue. Maybe I can watch her try out different types of blue eye shadow that would would be fun.