Friday, September 22, 2023

Elizabeth Hurley Isn't Weird

 I haven't written about Elizabeth Hurley in a while. All she does is post pictures of herself in a bikini and also walking around in various hotel lobbies while she's on vacation. So while I think she's pretty much physically perfect, and she seems smart and funny, and I want to do disgusting things to her, I have to admit in general, she's kind of dull celebrity news-wise. Seriously, you're on a beach? Again? Who cares. And then this "story" popped up. 

She was wearing that dress, which was the focus of the source story and which I also love (the dress not the original story) and they mentioned how she was out with her son. People think it's always weird that she's constantly hanging out with her kid, and for the longest time I did too, and then today, suddenly it dawned on me. This isn't some weird, unhealthy relationship, the kid is 20 years old. And she's his mom. She's a human mom. Rich, famous, and beautiful but she's still that kid's mother. These celebrities aren't really any different from you or me. Oh sure they have weird jobs and massive personality flaws, but they're just people.

And he's 20 years old. His central nervous system is still growing. As recently as 2008 he still believed in Santa Claus. But he is an adult now, he's 20 not 13. Of course it's still a little weird that he wants to hang out with his mother. When I was 20 years old I didn't even remember that I had a mom. And so if you're a human female, and you find little Damian attractive, there are two things you might want to keep in mind. His name is Damian and he has what seems like a weird need to be close to his mother at all times. I'm not accusing anyone of anything but if you go into a relationship with him knowing even just those two things that's all on you.