Wednesday, September 27, 2023

John Hamms it Up

 John Hamm (left) and his wife Anna Something, put on their best monkey suits and went to the opening night of "Dead Man Walking" which, judging by the picture was at the Metropolitan Opera or, The Met, for those of us with class. I don't know if Dead Man Walking is a movie or what, because I don't care. And considering this is the first time I'm hearing about any of this, I assume nobody else cares either.  I don't even know if he's in it. 

John Hamm seems like a decent enough guy I guess, meaning he doesn't seem like a jerk, but I don't understand why I'm suddenly seeing him everywhere.  I see him being interviewed, and in TV commercials... As far as I know he was in one TV series that went off the air like 10 years ago. To give you some idea of how long ago 10 years is, that was 2013. Do you remember anything you did in 2013? No, I guarantee you don't. So why do we have to remember this guy. 

I don't understand why these people don't just take their money and quietly collect stamps or go fishing and hang around while whittling sticks in the bait shop for the rest of their lives or something. Why do you want to be 52 years old and have to be walking around in a tuxedo on a Tuesday night? I didn't want to do that when I was 32 but I guess everyine has their "thing"