Wednesday, December 29, 2021

And We're Back

 I'm trying to ease myself back into this so Britney Spears is usually good for some low key insanity. And viola, here she is trying on various outfits and dancing in front of her Christmas tree. You know, if me or you did this, people would think we were crazy, but for some reason she gets a pass. At least from her fans, they see nothing wrong with this, and normally I'd agree, but this is all she does as far as I can tell. She's 40 you know, and I'm no psychologist and even I can tell you this isn't healthy behavior coming from a middle aged woman. It's really not good. Honestly you could throw yourself off the roof 10 times a day for all I care but those shoes? C'mon that's the real crime here. Doesn't she have like $60 million dollars? Go buy some new shoes Britney. Treat yourself, because those brown shoes? No.