Saturday, December 4, 2021

Kate Beckinsale Reaches New Heights

 I haven't written about Kate Beckinsale in a while so now seems like as good a time as any since she got all dressed up like a mannequin from a Merry Go Round store in the 1980s to go to somebody named Vas J Morgan's birthday party. I'm sure he's the man of the moment and hugely influential to stupid people, because they usually are. Hell he's important enough to get the D-List actress ex-wife of a C-List director to show up. so he must be somebody.

Believe it or not I actually like her dress, but as usual I HATE her shoes. Couldn't they just be regular shoes why why why do they have to be platforms? She's 5'7 so it's not really necessary to make her taller, 5'7 is a good height for a woman. Any shorter - say 5'4 and under you're considered "adorable". Anything above 5'10 is scary to a lot of guys. Not to me of course because I'm more manly than most guys. And I actually happen to like tall women.  Listen Kate, a normal strappy, sexy high heel would have been fine, now you just look like a stripper that got dressed at work.