Saturday, December 18, 2021

Cheryl is Still (sort of) Famous


Great news everyone! Cheryl has NOT left her label. Whew. What a relief. I'd add more context but this is pretty much all the context there is and what the story boils down too. They don't even explain who Cheryl is or what "label" she's on. I do think she's British, so this is British fame. People hassle her for autographs in little villages with thatched roofs and shops that sell toffee while orphaned children shovel coal into blast furnaces but that's about it. Once they leave there, they can't get arrested for vagrancy. The problem is, British people are still very much of the mindset that they still rule the world and they just assume everyone knows everything about what they're doing even though that hasn't been true since the mid-1800s. They still have a queen over there, did you know that?