Friday, December 10, 2021

Hats Off to Jennifer Aniston

I know I said I wasn't going to write about Jennifer Aniston anymore, but how could I not? Let's be serious. How can anyone wear nothing but a hat, pants and bikini top still somehow make it look classy? I don't know, maybe she isn't human. To be fair I dig chicks in hats, yeah I know it's kind of a weird thing but what are you going to do, call the cops?

 I know what I said about her constantly wearing masks and talking about vaccines but that seems to have eased up quite a bit with a lot of these people. So I can guarantee that was little more than virtue signaling to the mentally ill chimp crowd so they wouldn't set her house on fire or something. And let's face it, she's in her mid-50s now, and she's probably feeling her age a little and maybe Hollywood isn't as nice to her these days, so she could probably use all the help she can get.  I honestly don't know how bankable she still is, the last movie I know she was in starred Adam Sandler. Don't take any of that the wrong way, because I would support anything she does, but the fact of the matter is there are vast numbers of people alive today that think Bruce Willis is an old timey actor.  My guess would be she's still an A-List type but I have no idea, I get more and more disconnected from this kind of stuff every day.

Anyway, she was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter but no one is sure why because no one reads that.