Friday, December 3, 2021


 Rita Ora posed "nude" in a picture she posted on Instagram. SEXY! She's really stretching the definition of nude. That's like saying I'm writing this nude despite the fact that I'm wearing a shirt and pants. Sometimes I think she's cute and normal and then I see her again, and out of the blue she's ghetto trash. Why is that? She is British so they're always about a decade behind what's cool over there, that's why she still has a "grill" which was probably really expensive despite the fact that it looks like a fruit assortment she bought out of a gumball machine.

See, fads will start in California and slowly move toward the east. So let's say blue hats become all the rage in the year 2022. So by 2024 the Blue Hat Fad reaches Chicago, 2025 New York. But it takes longer to filter across the ocean so it'll be probably 2030 by the time Englanders are wearing blue hats. Hell they just got Beatle boots over there and the Beatles are FROM there. Hopefully Rita has enough money to buy a low-rider because they're expensive and that fad from the 70s  should be reaching them any day now.