Friday, May 31, 2024

Heidi Klum and Leni

Heidi Klum and her daughter Leni ran around in bikinis on a yacht off the coast of France. I don't know that I would have named my daughter Leni, especially if you're going to be running around Europe but that's Germans for you. 

Let's not ruin everything by mentioning Hitler and all that Europe stuff that was almost 100 years ago now, long before any of us were even born.  And we're not here for that anyway, we're talking about women in bikinis so let's not lose focus on what's important

Rhianna Vanishes


Somebody said Rhianna "looks thinner" because they looked at different pictures than I did. You know someone's been packing it away when even wearing a $10,000 black plastic drop cloth doesn't help. 

And just a tip, wrapping a sweat jacket around your waist and ass only makes you look bigger.

Hey listen I just write about what's in the news, if you don't like it, invent better celebrities.

Olivia Dunne is Somebody

 Gymnast Olivia Dunne put on a bikini and rode horses on a beach just like approximately 1,000,000 other attractive blonde 20-somethings on Instagram. Seriously, she's a very attractive, hard body type but so what. I just don't understand what anyone could see beyond the physical in what seems to be such an otherwise dull person.

 I'm definitely getting to old to be writing about these assholes. Great a hot blonde. Yawn. Next.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Christina Ricci is Spooky

Christina Ricci created her own tarot cards because of course she did. What weirdo would leave home without them...

Christina Ricci is 'thrilled' to announce Wednesday that she created her very own custom tarot deck called Cat Full of Spiders, which is now available for pre-sale ahead of its official September 24 release.

The 44-year-old former child star is depicted on all 78 cards, illustrated by Long Beach-based cartoonist Felipe Flores, and she teased her 'three favorite cards' (The Fool, Strength, and Temperance) 'inspired by her renowned body of work.'

Much of the comprehensive 128-page guidebook explaining each card's meaning was written by co-author Minerva Siegel - a self-described 'writer, sensitivity reader, tarot consultant, and longtime practitioner of witchcraft.'

All of that sounds very.... normal. I don't know how you just make up your own tarot cards since I thought all of that kind of thing had specific meanings to things connected with the universe or Middle-Earth or whatever the Hell you fruit loops are always yammering about.

But I guess she wouldn't be hot if she didn't have her own set of deep seated mental problems, and I guess being a Gypsy Fortune Teller or whatever, is pretty harmless unless she starts making voodoo dolls of you because you didn't take out the garbage. And by the way I didn't see any mention of the price but I'm going to gaze into my own crystal ball and bet they aren't free.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Two People You Don't Know are Dating

 Two people you've never heard of are dating. James Packer and some "model" named Renee Blythewood? In case you're wondering who they are, I did a little research and discovered he's the CEO of all the guys that do shots and chug brewskis at Chaser's Bar and Grill while THE GAME is on and she's Queen of the Serpent People. 

They hope someday to have a son named Colton that wears Crocs. Best of luck you two Standard Issue Shitheads.  I hope all of your trucks are lifted and your Jet-Skis run forever

Jessica Simpson's Secret to Aging (Filters)

 Noted imbecile, Jessica Simpson proved she's still skinny and also very youthful at 43 years old by putting on some "Daisy Duke" shorts and using so many filters and photo shop that she looks like a cartoon character. Of course her fans "went wild" over this event because they're even dumber than she is, if you can believe it. 

As far as I can tell that was the whole point of this story even though I only read it far enough to find out how old she is.  Let's be honest, what else do you really need to know about Jessica Simpson. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Amy Poehler is Gay (I Think)

Amy Poehler was in Australia for the premier of her new movie, "You Won't See This One Either", but what the Hell, she gets a free trip to Australia. I would bet everything that I own that Amy Poehler is a lesbian. I'm not saying that's a bad thing because I don't care one way or the other it's just a theory and I honestly couldn't think of any other reason to write about her.


Leonardo DiCaprio is Dumb

 As of Saturday, Leonardo DiCaprio is still walking around in a mask. Outside. In mid-2024. His age seems to fluctuate depending on who writes the story. This one said he was 49. Some say he's 50, 51, 48, 49... I guess it sort of depends on whether he's dating a 20 or 24 year old.

In case you were wondering, I cropped his 16 year old niece out of the photograph mostly because she's his niece, isn't famous, and as far as I know didn't ask to be. If she turns 18 and starts sending out bikini pictures or decides to marry Brad Pitt or something I might change my mind but I very much doubt it.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Renee Zellweger is Hot to Trot

55 year old Renee Zellweger has a 27 year old boyfriend named Puffy-Faced Babyboy or something and to that I say good for her. Personally I think she could have done a lot better in the looks department as far as he's concerned, but maybe it's her first younger man. At least he's 27 and not 19 or 21 or something so he's probably slightly more normal than someone that might be even just a few years younger but I doubt it.

They keep calling her "The Bridget Jones' Diary star", a movie that came out in 2001, when her current boyfriend was four years old. I've been saying for as long as I can remember that age gaps are utterly meaningless as far as I'm concerned, and there is zero difference here. 

In fact when I was 21 I had a 39 year old girlfriend named Pamela. I still have very fond memories of her. Anyway I'm gonna wrap this up before I get all misty eyed by saying YOU GO GIRL. To Renee not Pamela.

Demi Moore is Hot Nude

 Demi Moore did something with Cher at some place that was giving awards I think or something like that. I don't really care because Cher is a psychopath that has over a 200 year career produced exactly one song that I like. Something about that song reminds me of a sunny 1970s afternoon you'd see in a movie I can't explain it.

But I mostly wrote this to say that Demi Moore still looks fucking hot - HOWEVER. While I try to not criticize someone's hair, women over the age of 25 should not have hair that long. Please take my word for it. And Demi Moore was the hottest of the hot from the 1980s until like the early 2000s. It's not that she isn't now I'm just saying that back when she was part of the American experience? Zeitgeist?  Whatever you know what I mean.

Please, shave your head, get bangs, get a Mohawk (oooo yes for real do that) do literally anything else, but asd a woman having hair that long past the age of 12 makes you look CrAZy. Go ahead and look on Google for "woman arrested": stories and I'll bet 85% of them have hair that long or longer. And it's not as if she doesn't know what she looks like with short hair.  Take my word for it please.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Rihanna is Dumb

 Just imagine what kind of mouth breathing imbecile you'd have to be to be impressed by something this stupid.  If you are please get a vasectomy or a tubal ligation - do you know what those words mean? - because one of you is way more than enough, we don't need you having a whole litter of babies too.

Fuck Larry David

 Larry David was at the same party as Eric and Wendy the swingers but I hate Larry David like he poisoned my dog so that's the end of this post.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Up and coming "rapper" Rylo Huncho (?) was shot to death. Only this time he managed to do it himself...

Rylo Huncho was seen on video posted to his Instagram story showing off a handgun, waving the barrel while displaying its built-in green laser sight and flashlight.

He then took control of the grip, appeared to shut off the safety and pointed the gun to his head before saying 'f*** y'all n****s' and pulling the trigger. 

He immediately left the view of the camera as the phone fell to the floor in the wake of the blast.  

Police in Suffolk, Virginia did not name Huncho but confirmed that a 17-year-old died of an 'accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound' to his head.

I didn't link the actual video even though I'm 100% certain it's floating around somewhere. Maybe with his ghost. I'm glad to see rappers are still cutting out the middleman. Work smarter not harder I always say. 

 Don't worry, I'm sure his legacy will live on in the form of airbrushed t-shirts all over Virginia or wherever this genius lived.

Eric Schmidt is a Playa

 Eric Schmidt (right) is the former CEO of Google, and his wife Wendy (left) are swingers now or something and I guess Wendy was okay with Erich handing his 30 year old girlfriend $100 million dollars

Eric was branded New York City's 'hottest bachelor' after he and wife, Wendy, 68, were reported to have entered an 'open arrangement,' according to a New York Post piece in 2019.

 In 2021, it was then reported that Eric, who is worth an estimated $25.1 billion, had entered a relationship with Michelle Ritter, a Columbia Law graduate.

Just a year ago, it was reported that Eric was a 'very, very active' chairman in Michelle's tech company, Steel Perlot, even plowing more than $100 million into the company, Forbes reported.

Yeah I bet he was very, very active. I guess if you look like Sad Sack, the secret to being named "New York's Most Eligible Bachelor" is to have $25.1 billion dollars in the bank. 

On the other hand if you're sleeping with that guy I assume you probably deserve the  $100 million dollars . Would I sleep with Eric's wife Wendy for $100 million dollars even though she looks 78 instead of 68? Yes. Would I sleep with Eric for $100 million dollars? I'm not saying no exactly

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Site Update

 HUZZAH! I wrote some stuff just now but I'm saving it for tomorrow. Good lord Elsa Pataky is so fucking hot she's supernatural.  I'm not even 100% sure she's a real human being.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

AnnaLynne McCord SEX TAPE

AnnaLynne McCord wanted to be in the news again so she decided to tell the world she was an insatiable nymphomaniac. I'd say it worked too because when was the last time you thought about AnnaLynne McCord.  If ever...

...she revealed: 'I used to say to people, "Yes, your body is a temple, my body is a brothel". I had a morbid sense of humour about it.

'I got off on the fact sex is this thing I could have all day, every day and never get tired of, and no one could keep up with me.'

AnnaLynne, who starred in TV teen drama 90210 from 2008 to 2013, confessed she first enjoyed kinky romps while dating Prison Break actor Dominic Purcell on and off between 2014 and 2020.

Discussing the sex addiction she explained how when she discovered he libido she realised 'Oh sex is amazing' — and it became her addiction.

'I didn't do drugs or alcohol, I needed sex like a bottomless pit. I was ravenous.'

However while she boasted about their 'explosive sex', she no longer practices bondage.

First of all, yes she "still practices bondage", why wouldn't she? You don't just stop doing things you like why would you that makes no sense. I suppose you could stop if your boyfriend wasn't into it but otherwise? Why?

And second, I don't know how to tell you this without sounding like a perv, but you're supposed to want to have sex all the time. It's not a male or female thing, it's a human being's natural resting state. It's okay to want sex all the time unless you're part of some weird Amish cult or something. 

 Can you imagine being her new boyfriend where she explains how "yeah I used to fuck guys in the car in public, or in the nightclub bathroom stall, and at the beach but I'm not like that anymore" I'd be like WHAT THE FUCK. 

And I double checked her age just to make doubly sure I wasn't writing about someone that was 15 when all this was happening and Google says she's 36 but Google also says the Moon landing was real. 

Any way AnnaLynne, keep fucking everyone and doing whatever, really it's 2024 no one cares except the weird 68 year old commenters that read The Daily Mail but no one wants to fuck them anyway


Boris Becker has Sharp Elbows


I originally started writing about a weird, and scary forest goblin but it turns out that's Boris Becker and they were talking about his weird elbow. 

He was a tennis player and then he went to jail for something I think, and he got married to some new woman that I'm sure I said was hot at some point and really, who fucking cares

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ariana Madix is Somebody

 Ariana Madix is some nobody that maybe a couple of hundred thousand people know and she called her boyfriend Daniel Wa "The most handsome man I know" because apparently Ariana never goes outside, or even walks through random places where other people are. Maybe he hypnotized her. 

 Look, I saved this to write about like a week ago and then promptly forgot about it so I don't even remember what else they asked her. Probably something about her diet would be my guess. It's cute how they have matching brand new shoes and the most surprising thing is they wore those brand new shoes in Chicago (that's them pictured at the "world famous" Bean) and weren't shot for them.


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Gavin Rossdale is Still Famous

Gavin Rossdale of Bush "fame" has a new girlfriend and she looks just like Gwen Stefani did in 1995. I don't know which is weirder, the fact that he managed to find a 1993 Gwen Stefani look alike in 2024, or the fact that anyone still talks about Gavin Rossdale. If you're going to go back in time 30 years why don't you talk to that girl that you regret blowing off, or maybe choose a different career path or something instead of worrying about who some guy that had two mildly popular songs almost half a century ago is fucking. Jesus you people are pathetic.

Exciting Donald Glover News

 I got tired of looking at hot girls aged 25-60 in bikinis and short dresses so I decided to read up on how comedian? Actor? Singer/Dancer?  Donald Glover is resurrecting something called Childish Gambino much to the apparent delight of meme lords and various other internet shitheads.  I have no idea what kind of venues he won't be selling out but the tour does include a couple of other "entertainers" named Willow and Amaarae. I guess? Maybe they do magic tricks or have those cats that jump through hoops like that one weirdo in Key West.

If either of those two were to ask me for advice for some bizarre reason I'd say save as much money from this as you possibly can. Because when this "tour" ends on 10/3 you're back out on the street.

I've been hearing both of these names he uses for going on what must be 10 years now and I have no idea who he is, what he does, or why this character of his carries so much weight with people. And when you add up those things it tells me he must've been on SNL at some point.  An album and world tour? It's fucking crazy but you kids go and enjoy. Don't drink to much, buy a t-shirt (that's where the real money is for him) and be sure and tell me all about it some day.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 I saw this picture on Elizabeth Hurley's Instagram and thought I'd share it for Mother's Day since I know she's a mom. A MILF if you will.

Friday, May 10, 2024

The Hero We Need

 Having solved climate change Greta Thunberg decides to solve the world's "Jewish problem"

Shania Twain is in the Pink

 Shania Twain - yes that's Shania Twain - has pink hair now and everyone is freaking out. And when I say "everyone" I mean teenagers and gay men on Instagram. Otherwise no one cares.  There was a time when she was so hot you couldn't look directly at her.  I'm not saying she isn't how now I'm just saying she was hot then too.  Frankly I'm all for the pink hair... Pink blue, or that jet black with the purple mixed in holy shit.She was married to that guy from the Van Halen song did you know that? The "c'mon Dave give me a break" guy. Man that was recorded in 1981, how old are these people?

Anyway, those fake teeth are more of a concern for me than the pink hair. The woman has hundreds of millions of dollars at her disposal and she went with those? The only reason I even say that is because how are people like you and me with no money supposed to get good fake teeth if someone with $100 million dollars in the bank winds up with $100,000 worth of plastic Chiclets in their face. Whatever she's still hot. even with the pink hair or maybe that makes her hotter I really don't know, I'm just trying to wrap this up.

Alyssa Milano Takes Her Jugs on Vacation

 Alyssa Milano stuffed her overweight tits into a bikini and went on vacation with her standard issue husband. I didn't bother to see where they went, but looking at these two assholes, I'd guess probably Cabo San Lucas, or Dominican Republic where I'm 100% sure they rented jet-skis and drank Margaritas at a swim up bar somewhere, and told the bartender, "Red Stripe is the best beer on Earth!" . Or maybe they went wherever The Love Boat always went and got into some wacky hi-jinks with Gopher and Doc. 

What's the matter you couldn't find a sunny beach in the good ol' US of A? With any luck they'll get kidnapped and held for ransom that nobody will pay. That's what you get for going to a Third World country. I suppose it could be Key West but really, what's the difference.

Thursday, May 9, 2024


 Justin Bieber's wife Hailey is pregnant. I wonder who the father is.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Olivia Culpo had her lips dissolved before her wedding. Lip filler? I have no idea what that is or why you'd do that or how it's dissolved do they throw acid in your face.  If my fiance showed up to our wedding with no lips I'd just call the whole thing off.  One last question...


God it's so fucking weird to me. Watching you people talk and read about this bullshit must be how that chimpanzee lady felt when she was watching those stupid monkeys try to get a banana out of a milk bottle or whatever the fuck she did.

Ginger Zee is Somebody New (to me)

 Why are women meteorologists always so attractive? That's somebody named Ginger Zee (yeah sure). You don't think she's hot? Because I do. I guess she's on GMA whatever that is. Good Morning America? Can't they just say that? Why does Good Morning America have to abbreviate their name it's not like the unemployable dimwits watching it at 9:30 in the morning are too busy to pronounce the whole name

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


I'm nearly 100% certain I said I'd never write about Paris Hilton ever again and then she shows up mostly naked, and so I honestly, don't know what else you'd like me to do. She meets three of my most basic requirements. 

She's hot, she's naked, and she's in her mid-40.

I don't know why she was naked and I always figure it's better to just not ask. As long as they seem lucid and not totally insane, any reason is good enough for me. Especially if they're 6'1 in five inch heels.

Dwayne Johnson is an A-Hole

 Dwayne Johnson, or, The Rock, for those of you who don't know is apparently a huge pain in the ass...

Earlier on Tuesday, two separate reports surfaced, claiming The Rock was constantly late and unprofessional while working on the upcoming Red One with Chris Evans.

 The report also claimed that Johnson would arrive upwards of eight hours late to set, sometimes forcing the production to shoot around him. 

Sources also claimed that, on other productions, Johnson would try to save time by urinating in an empty Voss water bottle and then have his team or a production assistant dispose of it on set. 

'It was a fucking disaster,' one insider told The Wrap while another said: 'Dwayne truly doesn’t give a fuck'

Imagine being so desperate to be in Hollywood you'd volunteer to be the guy that carries Dwayne's Bottle O' Urine. You people are really pathetic. Even if these reports are true by only half, imagine what kind of a gigantic asshole you'd have to be to behave this way. Especially since only people with "learning disabilities" give a shit about this asshole

 I'm sorry, just that huge phony plastic grin alone of his, sets off alarm bells for me. Everything about this guy gives me the creeps.