Sunday, January 30, 2022

Anastasia 'Stassie' Karanikolaou has a Complex Name

 !!!BREAKING NEWS!!! Z-list dullard Anastasia 'Stassie' Karanikolaou dyed her hair red!!! She must've done it after she put on her costume while she was filming an 80's Sci-Fi movie. I can't imagine for the life of me why this is considered news, and I'm begging you, for the love of all that's holy, please, ladies, stop doing that to your eyebrows. What the fuck is with that outfit, you can't be serious. In what universe does that look good. And look I keep saying this over and over again. Age is meaningless to me but there is no way on God's own green Earth that that woman is 23. I guess when you're the Amazon Queen no one questions what you say or how you dress