Monday, January 3, 2022

Cyclone Hits Australia or Somewhere in that Area

 I don't know what caused an Australian news service to use this picture to talk about a tropical cyclone (hurricane to normal people) but I know why. It's because you're stupid and you'd click on a story with this picture instead of one with swirling clouds. It's why I clicked on it, because I don't care if a cyclone scrubs Australia off the face of the planet as long as the girls in short dresses get out safe. But as usual I have some advice.

Those dresses look okay but they aren't terribly flattering for your "body types". Something not so tight would have looked better and made you look less like a hot dog that was in the microwave for too long. Also chunky heels/shoes make you look like you have super thick legs. Look this is just sexist advice from a guy that hasn't seen a live naked woman in years okay so take it for what it's worth.