Thursday, October 19, 2023

Gwenyth Paltrow Steals the Show (and my heart)

 I haven't really seen much worth writing about these last few days, and then, Gwyneth Paltrow stepped out of the darkness like an angel straight from Heaven and straight into my heart. I mean holy shit. You realize she's 51 years old right? You can see why I literally dropped everything to write this. You're seeing this story essentially live, that's how urgent I thought this was. And I've written about her before. This is what I was talking about in that Natalie Imbruglia post. It's that Gen X blood coursing through her veins. 

Plus, Gwyneth was a rich kid in the 80s so you know what that means. Yeah she's wild. Take my word for it. If you trust me about anything you can trust me about this. Sometimes you can tell just by looking at a girl and she sends my radar off the charts. Okay I need to get myself together, I'll be back in a few minutes.