Saturday, October 28, 2023

Taylor Swift Voulez-vous coucher avec moi

 The Daily Mail said Taylor Swift went out, and then described her as "Oozing NYC chic".  Likely because it's still 1978 in England. I didn't know there was still such a thing as "New York City chic".  I also didn't read enough of the story to see if they mentioned where she was going but if I had to guess I would guess she's heading to Studio 54. Maybe she went with Freddie Mercury. Wouldn't that be something. 

I really don't want to write about Taylor Swift, who I'm sure is very nice, but she seems terribly bland, and about as exciting as a sink full of warm dishwater. And yet you people seem endlessly fascinated with these boring people. I don't know how the original writer stretched this dull story into such a huge blog post but I'll link the original story here in case you want to see what Andie McDowell's daughter was wearing. Basically this is a tale about a bunch of standard issue shit heads with too much money. If I saw these people on the street - and by the way I have. HUNDREDS of times (metaphorically) - I would look at them with nothing but contempt. Sorry I'm just in a really bad mood today