Friday, May 6, 2016

Emma Watson is Eco Friendly. Wearing Pants.

The big news of the day (yesterday) is how Emma Watson wore a dress made out of plastic bottles to the Met Gala. Two things. Number one,  I'm all man baby but I know that isn't a dress. I've seen dresses. That's more like pants with a cape. I'm no Calvin Klein but I know what pants are and what a cape is. Good for her it must be nice to care about the environment when you can afford to have Calvin Klein personally make your clothes for you because I can't find a single story that talks about how much it cost. It wasn't $200 with an extra 10% off for using your JCPenney card I can promise you that. If I find out how much it cost I'll be sure to update this eventually. 

And so I guess number two is, that I was completely wrong about the Met Gala. Apparently they did have real stars there. Like Emma Watson and Taylor swift and... so, so many others I'm sure, but I no longer care to check. Emma Watson is still a star right? People seem to still know her name I guess, and in the world of stardom that's often enough even though when people say "Emma Watson" I immediately think of that woman that looks like a giraffe. Anne Hathaway? I don't know, who cares. Anyway, let's not talk about the Met Gala anymore. I wrote about it so you could read about it so the fact that I was wrong was really your fault for making me write all this and you should apologize to me immediately if not sooner.