Saturday, July 17, 2021


 No she isn't dead. I just drew those "Xs" because that's what they do in cartoons. But she still has Covid, and the proof of that is how much she's still talking about it on social media and trying to milk this to keep her name in the news for as long as possible. She said she got the super scary !!DELTA VARIANT!! from her son. 

'My oxygen levels are fine. I'm at home in bed. I'm not at the hospital. I'm not dying.' she was feeling 'the best I’ve felt all week. Still in bed, but no fever son is almost 100% better.' 

Thank God you can still keep doing interviews about it. Oh well, just like 99.9% of the average healthy population, you'll get better and then you'll have to provide some real substance if you want people to keep talking about you. Or hey! Maybe you can get leprosy. Wouldn't that be a lucky break.