Friday, July 16, 2021

Jesse James Decker is Sad

 Jesse James Decker took her new boobs out for a spin.  She was upset about body shaming? I don't know who was body shaming her but it didn't work. She - as my grandfather would say - is "built like a brick shit house". Do me a favor. Next time you read about body shaming somewhere do this. Get off the computer and go walk around a shopping mall or grocery store. Every single one of those people you see are the ones posting that garbage on the internet. 

Have you seen those assholes? Gross. They shouldn't be body shaming anyone. There's that one lady with the turkey neck and the flabby arms, with the dolphin ankle tattoo and her husband with the goatee and the sleeveless Harley Davidson t-shirt buying Lite Beer for their BBQ. There's also the 20 something former cheerleader that packed on 45 pounds immediately after high school... The list goes on and on. Frankly, I don't even know how most of you ugly, disgusting people ever even manage to find somebody to love you.