Saturday, October 16, 2021

Breaking it Off with Lottie Moss

 I'm not writing about Lottie Moss anymore. It was kind of cute for a while being playful with her because I think she's cute, but how boring can you get. This is all these people do. She was at some party with her standard issue boyfriend who -- of course -- is wearing nail polish to go along with his blue hair, probably because he's so daring and original, while she walks around with her tits hanging out of a "sexy" dress she got at Discovery Clothing earlier in the day. She is 23 years old I guess, so at least that sort of explains why she thinks being dressed like that is sexy.

This is something people have been doing since the 1970s, what is it about this kind of thing that makes you people think this is so exciting and new? Are you really this sheltered? You went to a party dressed like a stripper? Congratulations. My girlfriend did that, your mom did that, and her mom did that. Why is this news? Don't you people ever leave the house? I'm sorry if I sound mad and frustrated but it's because I am. It's nearly impossible to keep writing about the same eight people doing the same thing every single Friday night. It would be almost impossible to go nearly anywhere in Chicago on even the coldest weekend night and not see 25 women dressed like this. And almost all of them would be better looking than she is.

I'm sorry to see you go Lottie you seemed kind of cool for a while despite the fact that you obviously lied about marrying your girlfriend which, believe me, I was more than willing to overlook, but I'll only look the other way at this pandering nonsense for so long. Have a nice life. If that's what you call what you're doing.