Monday, October 25, 2021

I'm in a REALLY Bad Mood Today

 Oh look. Nicole Scherzinger is in a bikini. Again. Horrible woman. This is about as boring a life as I can think of. I can't imagine being this desperate for non-stop attention. She must be a total psychological, and emotional cripple. If you have all of this free time, why aren't you volunteering to clean pet carriers at some local dog and cat rescue? You don't even have to help homeless people or battered wives or anything. You could take some lonely dogs for a walk or play with some kittens with that little feather on a string toy. But no, you decide to pose - for the 600th time - on a beach in some Caribbean country that's probably still mostly run by marijuana posses somewhere. 

We've all seen your tits, do you do anything else?