Monday, October 18, 2021

John Cena Has His Shirt Off

 Here's John Cena for the ladies. I've said 100 times that I tend to focus on hot women, but that's my thing. My milieu if you will. I like hot women and the less clothes the better, so sue me. But I realize women have needs too, so occasionally I'll throw female readers a shirtless dude story because I'm a kind and  generous lover. So here's one now, sorry it's John Cena This is a still from an HBO Max show (?) I think. I don't know which one or why because I don't care about John Cena.

There always seems to be a lot of chatter about this guy and frankly, I can't figure out why. I don't know if it's from his days as a (fake) wrestler, or if he saves cancer babies or what. I'm not linking anything about this for several reasons. 

(1). Obviously I didn't read the attached story so I wouldn't know what to link. 

(b). It's obvious his entire head was molded from some kind of clay or putty and frankly it looks weird

(3)  I don't care about John Cena (see above).

So enjoy your shirtless John Cena picture. I'll try to find better shirtless dudes later but I'm a dude so my definition may be dissimilar from yours.