Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Madison LeCroy is Real

I'd never heard of Madison LeCroy before five minutes ago but you can bet I know who she is now. I guess she slept with JLo's boyfriend, the baseball guy, Whatsisface Alex Something,  and that's why they broke up but whatever. She's a little "thick" for my tastes, I'm not saying she's fat but when you can't see things like they're knees or ankle bones it makes it look like they're 17 yeas old despite the fact that she's 31. Plus they probably spend their weekends getting blasted drunk and eating a dozen White Castles at 2am. No thanks.

Besides she has that fake porn star name like, oh I'm sure your name is really "Madison LeCroy". What did you do throw darts at a fake porn name dart board until you hit something you liked? What, was Alexis Champagne already taken? What about McKenzie Hennessy? You know what, on second thought, don't call me.