Thursday, October 14, 2021

Olivia Wilde Loves Herself

 Olivia Wilde "loves her new body" after she had kids. By the way, so do I...

'I love my body now more than I ever have. I enjoy the opportunity to take care of myself. That's what my beauty ritual is: Taking care of myself and celebrating my body at this stage of my life,'

 She looks pretty much the same to me. She should get back to us after she grows one of those gigantic asses, like the ones I see on the moms I see at the grocery store. I don't understand how they get pants that fit right. Like, if the waste band is big enough to be pulled up over that walrus seal that's at the top of your legs, how does it keep your pants up? Why don't they slip off?  It's probably like the TARDIS somehow. Bigger on the inside than it looks from the outside or something, what am I a physicist?  Man, I love girls in aviator sunglasses.