Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chelsee Healey is Somebody?

D-List, nobody, and moron, "Chelsee" Healey tried on lingerie, then took pictures during her quarantine. I'd imagine she used the timer on her phone's camera because I assume her life is completely empty of real friends, and totally devoid of almost any meaning beyond her pursuit of fame and "bling" (I assume of course that she still says "bling"). And her little gimmick worked too, because look! I wrote about her. I won't remember who she is 20 minutes from now but fame is fleeting like that. I wrote this mostly because I'm an idiot that likes naked, or nearly naked girls, so what's your excuse for reading this? None. You don't have one do you. Pervert.

!!!!UPDATE!!!! I forgot to include her Instagram link. Well here it is if you want it. I'm not sure why you'd want to waste that much of your life looking at it but I'm not your boss.