Friday, November 15, 2019

Celine Dion is Back?

This is reason number one why the internet is really starting to bother me. Not Celine Dion herself, I don't care about her one way or the other. It's the way hyperbole is presented as fact.


Oh really? All 19,000 of them? Because that's how many people tweeted about it, and that's according to their own post. And not only that, that's since this morning. It's now almost 7 pm Central Time. That's out of 262 MILLION daily users. I did the math (perhaps incorrectly) and that's 7.251908396946565e-5‬%. I don't know what that number is but it's got a -5 in there at the end so I imagine it's infinitesimally small. Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true, but it does give me anxiety and that's why I tune almost all of it out. But I am human too so I see it occasionally by accident just like everyone else. Stop. People have been ignoring this stuff so it's like a snowball. It has to get louder and more aggressive until the day comes when opening a browser is going to be like having a steam whistle blowing in your face because that's the only way advertisers are going to get people to pay attention to their garbage anymore.