Friday, November 15, 2019

Eraserhead Meets Space Time Whatever Who Cares

George Lucas and Eraserhead were at yet another Star Wars thing. There seems to be so many of these, I don't even bother keeping track of what they are anymore. Seriously, at this point who cares. Star Wars is now like Gilligan's Island. It's some old show you turn on by accident and sort of ignore while you fold the laundry or vacuum the rug something. But they need to keep extracting money from the 0.5% of the population that gives a shit anymore, so as long as you misfits keep opening your wallets, they'll keep making this garbage because 0.5% of the world's population is still a big number. Listen man, Star Wars happened. It's like punk rock. It was a magical moment in time and now it's gone, those days are over. Pack your bags and find something new to do.