Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Helena Bonham Carter Hates Shoes

Helena Bonham Carter showed up for a Q&A for her (?) series (?) called The Crown (?)  in her grandma heels. Did they have it early enough in the day so she could make it to the Golden Corral on time? C'mon man, she's still pretty and a multi-millionaire. She's also 53 years old, not 73 years old, I mean seriously what the Hell. No one ever says no to these people? She surely must've asked someone.

Look, I'm a fashion expert okay? If it's the actual heel that's a problem, and I know it can be, why not a nice flat boot? You know, I've seen some boots that are pretty sexy and they have zero heel. Even with a dress, in fact especially with a dress. I guess if she wants to walk around looking like she's trying to find the nickle slot machines, it's still a free country, and I'm not stopping her. But if you need unsolicited fashion advice, I'm always here for you.