Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Alice Eve Wants to be Naked

Alice Eve said she has no problem taking off her clothes for movie roles. Initially I said to myself, "Well, that's a good thing because you're a porn star" but it turns out she isn't a porn star, she's a legitimate actress. I have no idea who I keep mixing all of these people up with.
'I don't have any ­aversion to flesh or showing it. I think if you've got flesh then it should be shown  Besides, you limit yourself if you are against all that because it's part of the job really. But it can be a bit weird sometimes.'
 She was in "Star Trek" in 2012 but in what capacity I have no idea. By the looks of it I'd say she was "Underwear Girl Number 1" but I'll never know because I'll never watch it. Remember when that guy from Star Trek got killed by his own car? It seems crazy but shit like that happens all the time. Not to anybody I've ever known,  but I do hear about it now and then, but then again, I don't know anybody that stupid either, so maybe that's the reason none of my friends have had their heads crushed by their own car. While they're driving it.