Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Louise Thompson Has a Nice Stomach

 Louise Thompson is some reality show dullard from the UK. Apparently all they do in the UK is drink tea, eat scones, and watch reality shows. So here I am writing about this idiot who also claims to be 30. Kind of like how I claim to have seen Bigfoot. She has awesome abs though I'll give her that. And that's mostly why I wrote this. Because she's pretty hot.

 But wait! You can have abs just like her!... If you send her £129.00. However much that is in real money I have no idea. I hate to break this to you but that's all diet. There's an old saying "Abs are made in the kitchen". You can do sit ups from now until the cows come home, but if you aren't eating absolutely correct and limiting your fluid intake it won't make the least bit of difference.

 You pretty much have to be under 10%, and probably more like under 8%,  body fat to have abs like that or even abs as most people know them. That's why she doesn't have boobs. Her period has most likely stopped too. Because her body is starving. That's also why you see skinny kids with abs. It's because they're mostly see through and not necessarily because they're in good shape, they're just not old enough to be fat yet. Don't believe me? Look. She has nice abs in the before picture. All she had to do was be on a super strict diet . Sorry but that's the big secret.

 I tried to get really nice abs once, so I ate like a body builder and I achieved it (of course), but eating the way I had to eat to get them, I lost so much weight so quickly that people literally thought I was dying and I was so physically weak I could barely walk to the corner without being dragged. But it's an accomplishment, if you feel like living that way. So can you send me $129 now?