Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lizzie Cundy is Somebody

Lizzie Cundy is a "media personality" from somewhere, but I stopped reading after I saw how to spell her name so she could be from almost anywhere. She put on a bathing suit and played with a hose and then of course posted pictures on Instagram, and then I wrote abut these events. Pretty spiffy huh? There were multiple pictures to chose from, and  I chose the picture of her wearing aviator sunglasses on purpose. Firstly because they look super hot on girls, and two, you don't want to see her without them. She's not ugly or anything but it's obvious she's had a bunch of unfortunate plastic surgery, so she looks basically like Bruce Jenner the day after he walked out of the hospital and told everyone he was Kaitlyn now.  She's only 51 so I don't know why people do that, especially if they don't really need it. Because otherwise she could easily pass for 40. Whatever it's her face, if she wants to look like a former Olympian I'm not going to stop her.