Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Kate Hudson Gets Bawdy

Kate Hudson said she would have "totally" hooked up with Jimmy Fallon if he'd "made a move" 20 years ago. Made a move? Kind of like Fonzie, or maybe Ralph Malph...
 'If you would have actually made a move, I would have totally gone there,' the actress, 41, told her friend of 20 years, who interviewed her remotely as she quarantined in Los Angeles.
I don't know if I'd admit out loud that I would fuck Jimmy Fallon, but she did and on video. Plus it's forever captured on the internet now, so good luck denying that. Oh, and by the way, don't bother trying to click play on that You Tube clip it's a screen grab. I'm not interested in having an animated  Jimmy Fallon on my blog for any reason.