Friday, August 13, 2021

Lindsay Shookus Has the Mark

Ben Affleck's ex-girlfriend Lindsey Shookus doesn't have covid, she's not immunocompromised, she has all of her limbs, doesn't need a wheelchair and looks like a perfectly average, if not attractive 40 year old woman. Well, there is the whole Ben Affleck thing but let's not get into that. You see she has a birthmark on her leg. And of course she posted about it on Instagram.  Also by the way, she wants you to know it doesn't bother her. I don't know how she could be so brave and empowering, what with that big birthmark on her leg,  but she's my hero talking so openly about having a birthmark. If I was talking to her, I'd be way less concerned about that then the fact that she slept with Ben Affleck on what I'm sure was many occasions.

So now here we are. We've reached the bottom of the barrel as far as personal bravery stories go I guess. Now we're down to birthmarks. She says "none of us are ever defined by one thing', but she is now isn't she. Setting aside the unfortunate Ben Affleck thing, now any time I hear the name Lindsay Shookus I'll immediately think, "Oh that girl with the leg". So thank you for speaking your truth, Now, instead of the lady I thought was cute, I'll just think of your birthmark which I probably would have noticed but not really thought much of. Good job.