Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Matt Damon is in Trouble

 Matt Damon is in trouble. Kind of. His father is an actor and his mother is a teacher so he comes from bonafide, world champion Hollywood, California type liberal stock. He's kind of like a racehorse. And probably about as smart too. Anyway he said some naughty words and now some people are trying to whip up a firestorm which is where the "he's kind of in trouble" comes from, because it doesn't seem like they're getting much traction...

'I made a joke, months ago, and got a treatise from my daughter. She left the table. I said, 'Come on, that's a joke! I say it in the movie Stuck on You!'  

'She went to her room and wrote a very long, beautiful treatise on how that word is dangerous. 

'I said, 'I retire the f-slur!' I understood.' 

On Monday, Damon issued a clarification. 

'I have never called anyone 'faggot' in my personal life and this conversation with my daughter was not a personal awakening,' he told The Hollywood Reporter

'I do not use slurs of any kind

I usually remove "externally applied" links, but this time I left the link in there because I don't feel like moving it, so go read it if you want too.

 By the way I undid the "f****t" in that quote block up there because if you can't look at bad words in the context of a story, YOU are the problem and you need to grow the fuck up.

 Maybe he can go over to Jimmy Kimmel's house and they can both have some wine and a good cry over this. Anyway, Matt put on his hair shirt, and will kneel on some pebbles for a couple of weeks and then the outrage mob will move on to something else like they always do. 

Kind of like what I'm doing right now because Matt Damon rubs me the wrong way and frankly I don't care what happens to him. This was written for you. Not me.