Sunday, August 29, 2021

Robin Wright is Out of Her Penn

 Robin Wright Penn went to the beach with someone they called her husband (no pictures available) and her daughter, Somethingsomething Penn, I guess from when she was married to Ol' Coconut Husk Face.   They said she's 55 years old and she's pretty much giving Elizabeth Hurley a run for her money. I have an idea, if you two want to send me some "pictures" to be a sort of tie breaker. I can decide in the privacy of my home. As usual I mention her age because the internet and The Daily Mail where I steal most of these pictures from are absolutely obsessed with age, and race. As opposed to other sites like E! that are obsessed with race and, age.  Because sites like those tend to skew toward people in their 20s. I don't know why you'd want to gain favor with a bunch of 20 year olds but whatever, it's your life.

By the way in case you're 11 years old she was in The Princess Bride, a great movie which is probably why you recognize her name. Robin's supposed "husband" is some 37 year old French guy who's name I didn't catch, that probably smells.

 What is it with you women picking these French guys all the time. Their national hero is Inspector Clouseau for Christ's sake, or at least it was while people in Europe still had a sense of humor, instead of being a bunch of friggin crybabies like they are now. It's really unbelievable. Maybe we should have just let Hitler have the whole place back in the 40s and been done with it.