Saturday, August 28, 2021

Olivia Culpo is Still "Famous"

 Olivia Culpo was in a bikini. I still have no idea what she does, what with the whole internet world blurring the line between being actually famous and being Instagram famous, especially for women. I bet if you asked 1000 people who Olivia Culpo was, not a single one of them would have any idea. But this isn't what this is about. This is actually about having "abs".

There's an old saying, "abs are made in the kitchen". Having good abs is 95% about diet, NOT doing sit-ups. You probably have to have (for men anyway) below 8% body fat to have a six-pack. 5-6% would be better. A "fitness" person has between 14 and 17%. That's someone that works out diligently and watches what they eat. Do you know how difficult it is to achieve 8 percent? It becomes a second job. That's why maybe 20% of the adult human population has great looking abs. And frankly some people are just born that way. It's not impossible to do at all, but it takes an almost superhuman dedication.

The other drawbacks - and they're big ones if you ask me - are two things. Being that thin tends to make you look sickly (outside of pictures) and you get that beach ball head. It looks disproportionate to the rest of her body. Which is fine, if that's what you want. Don't feel too badly though I'm sure there's a ton of make up highlighting her stomach muscles and a Jet Propulsion Laboratory level photo shop job on top of that. But if you want a sexy stomach like me, go for it.