Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sex and the Shitty

 Sarah Jessica Parker something something Sex and the City blahblahblah. You can't be serious. This show was ridiculous 20 years ago. You're not actually going to watch this garbage dump are you? No way Sarah Jessica Parker is 56 years old, have you seen some of the other 56 year olds on this blog? Do you think we're really this stupid? . She looks like a California Raisin. Why is she dressed like The Jokers' mom?  If I was capable of emotion I'd wet my pants laughing at this totally asinine... show.

Is watching this show the female equivalent of guys in their 40s starting a band? I remember being practically forced at gun point to watch a couple of episodes of the original series and I can tell you, I'd rather bite down as hard as I can on a wood file and have it dragged out of my teeth that sit through this torture chamber.