Friday, December 25, 2020

A Tall Christmas Story

 "A Christmas Story" couldn't be made today. Seriously. I've been watching this 1983 classic all night and day and in it there are... 

...Young kids walking to school by themselves - in the cold no less. Bullies bullying, Santa Claus, a kid being pushed down a slide against his will, virtually everyone in the movie is white, a stay at home mother, a father that swears in front of his kids, a kid being afraid that his dad is "going to kill him" because he was -gasp- fighting... can you imagine the scene in the Chinese restaurant being filmed today? And ultimately, a kid being handed a gun for a Christmas present. 

Can you imagine any of that in 2020? Even 2015 or 2010? No way. No fucking way. All the usual people would be crying like a baby that hadn't had his diaper changed in three days. And for some reason, people actually listen to these lunatics, although I have no idea why. But it's too late. The movie is already made. And it's showed dozens of times on television every year. So at least someone out there still has some guts, although frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been called out yet, but believe me, I'm sure that's coming soon enough.