Monday, December 21, 2020

Alicia Silverstone is Kooky

 Alicia Silverstone gave birth to the perfect human specimen. A Superman if you will. Her son Bear...

 This is a child who is plant based. To never have needed antibiotics in nine years and to never have needed any kind of medical intervention. Most kids have so many ear infections, they're taking medicine all the time. This is a kid who's been [sick] twice in his life. Twice. For, like, a few hours. 

...Mommy I don't feel good. I'm going to lay down." In his whole life, twice. He can get a snot nose, but he's still climbing trees

He's not climbing trees, he's communicating with them. Read that again if you have to. The part where she said her child is "plant based" and not carbon based like all other human beings. I bet if you chop off his arm it'll grow back once he's exposed to the Sun's ultraviolet rays. I hope he uses his powers for good and not for evil like Anton Arcane in The Swamp Thing. It'd be terrifying to have a nine year old evil genius running the planet.