Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Jessy Nelson Retires or Something

 I've written about Jessy Nelson before but I don't feel so good so I'm not looking for anything to link back to. Trust me I know it's around here somewhere. She's quitting some group called "Little Minx" or maybe it's "LI'L Minx" I didn't look, and I don't know or care. I hope she enjoys her new career as a blow up sex doll or whatever she's doing. I can't imagine somebody from a girl group in England has made enough money to retire at age 29 but you never know I guess. They have lots of  super rich and famous people over there that you've never heard of. It's so weird to me but I still love my British friends even though their celebrities are substandard. Just look at their "famous" people, they aren't even as good as the Kardashians if you can believe that.